Sherman - Sherman 1. The Promise: New York icon-player

Sherman - Sherman 1. The Promise: New York icon-player

T1 Sherman

Desberg Stephen & Griffo 50 pages
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Tome Sherman 1. The Promise: New York icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
$5.99 Format numérique
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$5.99 Format numérique
Toute la série - 8 tomes $47.92
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Toute la série - 8 tomes $47.92
Format numérique
$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 8 tomes $47.92
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Toute la série - 8 tomes $47.92

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

"The bill always comes due..." Jay Sherman is the American Dream come true: a self-made man who worked himself up from the streets to the upper echelons of moneyed society. But when his son Robert, a... En lire plus


  • 1/8

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  • 20/06/2018



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Robert Sherman is the Democratic candidate for president, but after a campaign rally he's shot by an unknown perpetrator. It turns out that the shooting has more to do with Sherman's father, the successful banker Jay Sherman. Someone has a grudge against Jay Sherman, but who and why? I enjoyed this book. It's a nice whodunit as well as a political thriller. Stephen Desberg is a skilled writer who knows how to hook the reader and build a solid story. Much of the book describes Jay Shermans... En lire plus

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