Bootsleg - Bootsleg 1
Bootsleg - Bootsleg 1

T1 Bootsleg

Suzuhito Yasuda 322 pages
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Tome Bootsleg 1

Résumé de l'éditeur Kodansha

At seven years old, Zen's parents, sister, and his own left leg were swallowed by the mysterious gloved entity only known as Shake Hand. And Zen's not the only one—in... En lire plus




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  • 29/03/2022



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Sa note:
7 years old Zen lost his sister, his parents and his left leg when Sumire, his little sister, shook hands with a talking glove in the town’s main square. Unfortunately, the glove was possessed by an evil spirit called “Shake Hand” that swallowed Zen’s family and crippled Zen. Soon, evil spirits started appearing all over the world… Seven years later, Zen is increasingly annoyed with his weak body - training every single day didn’t seem to make him stronger at all. But Zen is persistent and... En lire plus