Degas and Cassatt - Degas and Cassatt - The Dance of Solitude icon-player

Degas and Cassatt - Degas and Cassatt - The Dance of Solitude icon-player

T0 Degas and Cassatt

Salva Rubio & Efa 95 pages
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Tome Degas and Cassatt - The Dance of Solitude icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Founder of the Impressionist movement of which he was one of the most merciless critics, too bohemian for the bourgeois and too bourgeois for the artists, Edgar Degas was a man of many paradoxes. A... En lire plus


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  • 15/12/2021



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Sa note:
"He was always alone. Chauvinist, anti-Dreyfusard, anti-Semite, insufferable! And his obsession with painting dancers, laundrywomen, prostitutes. Not so peculiar when you know that most of those ballerinas were also whores. He was never known to have a single affair. He never married. Perhaps he was homosexual. Or impotent... We were all his enemies. No surprise that he died alone" summarizes Mary Cassatt on the first page of this remarkable biography - not so much in content, but in execution.... En lire plus

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