
1917. Nivelle – ‘the butcher’ – commands the French Army, and the attacks he keeps ordering are pointless slaughters. The soldiers can’t take it any more. Discontent is turning into rebellion, and a petition is being circulated in secret. When it makes its way to the men of Sergeant Sabiane, something snaps in them, and what begins as a simple cry of defiance becomes a full-blown mutiny when a handful of them decide to take the petition to Paris …

Trier par : Ancien

T1 Swan Song


1917. Nivelle – ‘the butcher’ – commands the French Army, and the attacks he keeps ordering are pointless slaughters. The soldiers can’t take it any more. Discontent is turning into rebellion, and a petition is being circulated in secret. When it makes its way to the men of Sergeant Sabiane, something snaps in them, and what begins as a simple cry of defiance becomes a full-blown mutiny when a handful of them decide to take the petition to Paris …

T2 Swan Song


Lieutenant Kazinsky has finally proven his loyalty once and for all to his small band of rebels. The ambush he set for their pursuers with Sergeant Sabiane destroyed their vehicles and even injured their leader, Morvan. But ‘the Puzzle’ never gives up on a prey. Soon, the mutineers must face the hardest choice of all. Continuing means killing other Frenchmen. Stopping means abandoning their friends, maybe even betraying them. In the end, do they even stand a chance of succeeding?

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