
Nineteen-year-old Orsay lives an uneventful life in the French countryside, until the day he gains extraordinary powers in his hands after an encounter with a mysterious creature known as a whol. On a trip to Paris in search of a cure, he meets and falls for Basma, a passionate activist for whols' rights. But Orsay isn't convinced that whols should be considered equal to humans. Especially once Melek, another human with the same powers, embarks on a murderous rampage to avenge those she sees as her kin.

Trier par : Ancien

T2 The Extraordinary Part


Not only are the mysterious creatures known as whols beautiful, a handful of humans who have acquired some of their powers can meld with them to enter a mind-bending space full of love, connection, and danger. Juliette's new powers in her eyes may hold the key to unlocking even more possibilities, if she can learn to accept herself... and if she, Orsay, and the rest of their friends can stay one step ahead of a strange woman bent on feeing their "whol parts" to her young son.

T3 The Extraordinary Part


Orsay is determined to cure his mother's cancer using the strange powers that allow him to meld with the creatures known as whols. But the whols are in danger—banished from cities and slaughtered by uncaring humans, they risk disappearing from the Earth completely. To save them from extinction, and humankind from itself, Orsay will have to survive and learn from a terrible loss. He'll also have to stop Melek, a woman with whol powers in her head, from exacting revenge on those she sees as responsible for the whols' plight...

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