Animal - Animal Part 1 icon-player

Animal - Animal Part 1 icon-player

T1 Animal

Colo 53 pages
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$5.99 Format numérique
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Toute la série - 4 tomes $23.96
Format numérique
$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 4 tomes $23.96
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Toute la série - 4 tomes $23.96

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Would you be capable of renouncing your status as a human being... and assuming the ultimate consequences? At the center of it all here is a quiet and introspective man with a desire to live, but who... En lire plus



  • 1/4

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  • 21/10/2020



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Animal, vol 1 is written and drawn by Colo. It's about a peculiar man who makes drawings of tourists in the streets. He starts a legal battle that has everyone scratching their heads. I think this was a good read. It's structured kind of like a documentary where the people around the protagonist gives us insights about his life and character. The story builds a bit of suspense by not revealing right away what exactly the man wants to achieve, it's a clever storytelling technique. The book also... En lire plus

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