
In a devastated cityscape, a lone man fights off creatures of fearsome power: white, winged, serenely impassive, and capable of terrifying transformations... Decades later, in a desolate American southwest, a meager colony of human survivors ekes out a precarious existence between dwindling water supplies and magnetic shields that screen them from roving bands of aerial attackers. An ancestral upper class presides, while in the lower city, laborers do the hazardous work of keeping everyone alive. But all that may be about to change when the mysterious Joshua comes of age...

Trier par : Ancien

T1 Elecboy


In a devastated cityscape, a lone man fights off creatures of fearsome power: white, winged, serenely impassive, and capable of terrifying transformations... Decades later, in a desolate American southwest, a meager colony of human survivors ekes out a precarious existence between dwindling water supplies and magnetic shields that screen them from roving bands of aerial attackers. An ancestral upper class presides, while in the lower city, laborers do the hazardous work of keeping everyone alive. But all that may be about to change when the mysterious Joshua comes of age...

T2 Elecboy


When a mysterious drifter and a hooded giant show up at the gates to the city, bringing news of a prophecy, the Clan's Elder must meet with them. But the Clan is deep in rituals that will bring the vicious Sylvio to power and further threaten the lives of Margot and Joshua, who, unbeknownst to her, is her half-brother. Elecboy is back with a fast-paced second volume that makes good on the promise of its title: revelations abound even as mysteries deepen concerning Joshua's past, his future, and the fate of the world.

T3 Elecboy


Joshua wakes from riotous nightmares only to find that it's all real: he is not truly human. But the solicitous AI who has taken him in—an archivist of knowledge from the world before—is able to teach him a great many things about history: not only of himself, but all humanity. But there is something sinister about the seeming utopia that this AI governs. Even as Joshua sets out to discover its secrets, his old friends back in the Valley are readying for all-out revolution against the corrupt, domineering Clan that's ruled them for too long.

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