
All is not well in London. During a meeting at MI5, Blake and Mortimer learn the terrible truth: the women of England have gone mad. They're beginning to question masculine authority! They refuse to serve five o'clock tea, they take off their bras in public, and they keep making the toast too hot or too cold. Blake (let's call him Francis) and Mortimer (let's call him Philip) will try to bring them back to reason. The problem is, they really don't know very much about women... Veys and Barral's homage to Edgar P. Jacobs 'Blake and Mortimer', leavened with a healthy dose of humour and showing the much-loved characters in a whole new light. Fans will find all the elements that have made this series such a classic of the bande dessinée. As for readers who, however improbably, don't yet know Blake and Mortimer, they're guaranteed a good time, with their first taste of an excellent comic whose sense of humor is always 'typically British.'

Trier par : Ancien

T2 Les Aventures de Philip et Francis


Le professeur Philip Mortimer et le capitaine Francis Blake sont les phares de la civilisation occidentale, les piliers de la sagesse britannique. Mais que se serait-il passé si Philip avait interrompu ses études, et si Francis n'avait jamais fait partie de l'armée ? Le monde en aurait-il été changé ? Les rues de Londres auraient-elles encore le même aspect, ou nous offriraient-elles une vision de cauchemar truffée de pièges pour celui qui oserait s'y aventurer ? C'est ce que nos deux amis vont apprendre en tombant dans le piège... MACHIAVELIQUE !

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