Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride - Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride icon-player

Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride - Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride icon-player

T1 Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride

Frey Julien & Lucas Varela 146 pages
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Tome Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride Michigan: On the Trail of a War Bride icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

When Julien arrives in Michigan to meet his wife's American family, he gets to know the American Midwest, as well as some unusual cousins. But above all, he meets Odette, his French great aunt with... En lire plus



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  • 16/05/2018



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