I.R.$. - I.R.$. - Volume 6 - Gold War
I.R.$. - I.R.$. - Volume 6 - Gold War

T6 I.R.$.

Stephen Desberg & Bernard Vrancken 49 pages
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Tome I.R.$. - Volume 6 - Gold War

Résumé de l'éditeur Cinebook

Is the world barrelling towards the apocalypse? Russian commandoes are positioned around Georgia and its vital pipelines, fanatical terrorists are bent on eliminating Saudi Arabia’s reigning... En lire plus




  • 6/6

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  • 08/05/2015



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It's a race against time to stop the terror attacks and the scheme to higher the oil price. Larry Max has his sights set on Madsen, but Kate might also come into harms way. I liked this book. It builds on the great premise that was established in the previous volume, and has a great momentum right from the start. The first half of the book has a mostly global perspective, but when the plot turns toward Kate it becomes more personal for Larry. That's also the part that's most engaging to read,... En lire plus