
"In a fantastical land of myths and legends, of great wars and mystery, and old king passes away, and his daughter, Blanche of Middleland must renounce her lover in order to become queen of her country, and lead her father's troops to victory. But it's not long before Blanche falls victim to the plots of those supposedly closest to her, plots fueled by resentment, jealousy and greed. As Blanche's world grows darker and darker, she fights ever more determinedly to maintain a grip on what is rightfully hers. Her life's one pleasure is the charismatic Maldoror, master of the World Below, who is wound up in all sorts of power struggles of his own. Can this improbable union survive the couple's life battles?"

Trier par : Ancien

T3 Spellbound


The queen is dead. Killed by Blanche, her own daughter, driven to extreme measures by the bitterness of treachery. The devious sorceress Miranda is still fiercely lusting after Blanche's lover, Prince Maldoror of the World Below. The sly prince uses the witch's desire to his advantage, striking a sordid deal with her to help Blanche in her campaign to win back the throne of Middleland that is rightfully hers. Between them, they manage to summon a formidable fighting force unlike any other...

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