
"The touching story of a child getting to know his grandfather, an Italian immigrant living in Belgium. 11-year-old Romeo thinks of his grandfather as nothing but an ""old pain-in-the-butt."" So when he finds out that he's going to have to spend a few days with him at his crumbling old house, without even a TV to keep him entertained... well, it's his idea of hell. But there are some surprises in store for Romeo during his visit. He changes his mind about a few things, perhaps thanks to his grandfather's neighbor, Lucy, who tells him about her own ""nono,"" and shows him how a spoil tip can be a thing of beauty. Or perhaps it's thanks to Romeo's dad, who speaks for the first time about his childhood relationship with his father. But it's mostly thanks to Ottavio who, beneath his old, grouchy exterior, conceals the hard life he has led, full of suffering and sacrifice. It is a life the 11-year-old Romeo finds hard to comprehend, but which gives him a deeper understanding of someone from another century. It started off as just a short holiday to a grey Belgian town. But this holiday turns into an opportunity for three generations of men to lift the silence that surrounds them. A touching story about Italian immigration, coal mining, communication between the generations and the difficultly of opening up when you've spent your whole life in silence."

Trier par : Ancien

Macaroni !


"Le vieux chiant", c'est comme ça que Roméo appelle son grand-père. Alors, quand il apprend qu'il va devoir passer quelques jours avec lui à Charleroi... c'est une certaine idée de l'enfer pour le gamin de 11 ans. Pourtant, cette semaine s'avérera surprenante à bien des égards. Peut-être grâce à Lucie, la petite voisine, qui parlera de son "nono" à elle et qui lui fera découvrir la beauté des terrils, peut-être grâce à son papa qui, pour la première fois, évoquera son enfance, certainement grâce à Ottavio qui derrière ses airs de vieux bougon cache une vie faite de renoncements et de souffrances. Une vie qu'un gamin d'aujourd'hui ne peut imaginer. C'était une simple semaine de vacances, ce sera l'occasion de lever le silence qui pèse sur des hommes de trois générations. Un récit humain et touchant qui nous parle de l'immigration italienne, du travail des mineurs, de transmission et du difficile accouchement de la parole quand, une vie durant, on a été habitué à se taire.

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