The Kingdom of the Blind - The Kingdom of the Blind - Volume 2 - Deceptive Designs icon-player

The Kingdom of the Blind - The Kingdom of the Blind - Volume 2 - Deceptive Designs icon-player

T2 The Kingdom of the Blind

Frédérik SALSEDO & Olivier JOUVRAY 58 pages
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Tome The Kingdom of the Blind - Volume 2 - Deceptive Designs icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97
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$5.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
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Toute la série - 3 tomes $17.97

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

In the near future, many of the world's citizens are kept under close surveillance by government authorities. In London, Laurette, a rebellious teenager, has gone missing after taking part in an... En lire plus


  • 2/3

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  • 12/06/2019



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Sa note:
While Laurette has definitively joined the rank of the Invisibles, her father seems to be playing a dangerous double game. Adil, her adopted brother, defies all procedures to find his sister he still believes could have been eliminated as a dissenter. While the country’s retirees earn their pensions by watching hours of video footage from surveillance cameras and reporting any suspect activity, the Invisibles finally have a lead that could possibly bring the system down like a house of cards.... En lire plus

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