Blast - Blast 1. Dead Weight icon-player

Blast - Blast 1. Dead Weight icon-player

T1 Blast

Manu Larcenet 206 pages
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Toute la série - 4 tomes $47.96
Format numérique
$11.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

A man - filthy, stinking, alone and obese - is taken in by the police. We don't yet know what he's done, or why he's there. But he's going to tell us his story. The story of a man who strives to live... En lire plus


  • 1/4

Paru le

  • 01/10/2015



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At first it seems like just another crime, as despicable as it is common: a vagrant is in police custody after being accused of assaulting a woman. It’s anything but the old routine, however, because Polza Mancini, 38 years old, is morbidly obese, with a criminal record as long as he is wide. And if he’s going to confess, it’s going to be his way – it’s up to the investigators to separate fact from fiction, and dig their way to the bottom of the mystery. Blast quickly transforms into a... En lire plus
Sa note:
Polza Mancini, age 38, writer. Fat, disgusting, homeless. (wait, I’m wrong: “Not homeless! A bum. The former is a victim, the latter makes a choice.”) And a killer, now in police custody, telling his story the way he wants it. What is truth and what is fabulation? We don’t know - he’s a writer after all. “Blast” is the story of a man that leaves home after the shock of watching his father dying of cancer in a hospital bed gifts him a weird, unexpected freedom. He spends his days in an alcohol,... En lire plus

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