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$47.96 Format numérique
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$47.96 Mancini's story gets harder and harder to digest, as it spirals towards it's violent and sordid climax. We see cracks beginning to appear in that seemingly impenetrable calm he maintains in the...
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Polza Mancini, age 39, bum, ex-writer, addict, inmate in a psychiatric ward, and (maybe?) killer. After diving head first into his vagrant lifestyle, Mancini finds out maybe there’s a dark purpose to his actions. A random encounter with a (dead) soul mate shakes him to the core; the story gets darker and darker, and the price of his freedom is harder and harder to pay. After one of the cruelest and most gruesome episodes in the book, Mancini is a ruined man - and yet, that’s when love finds...
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