Blast - Blast 2. The Apocalypse according to Saint Jacky icon-player

Blast - Blast 2. The Apocalypse according to Saint Jacky icon-player

T2 Blast

Larcenet Manu 205 pages
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Toute la série - 4 tomes $47.96
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$11.99 -Ajouter au panier
Format numérique
Toute la série - 4 tomes $47.96
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Toute la série - 4 tomes $47.96

Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Back to the interrogation room nestled at the heart of that gray, clouded metropolis, and Polza's story continues. We soon find ourselves extracted from that police station, the metaphor for... En lire plus


  • 2/4

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  • 09/12/2015



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Sa note:
Polza Mancini, age 38, bum, ex-writer, drug dealer, and (maybe?) killer. His story unfolds answer by answer, as the questioning policemen get progressively annoyed with his metaphysical and mystical rendering of his booze and drug-fueled trip. As summer leaves, the forest gets colder, and yet it’s humans, not the weather, that finally banish Mancini from the place where “without a doubt, it was the best summer of my life”. To survive during the winter, he descends even lower on the spiral to... En lire plus

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