
It is far better to be born on silk sheets than on the soiled straw of a dungeon cell. Only a pig would try to tell you otherwise. But this is precisely where the man, whom I can only describe as the hero of our tale, was born. To say that he was ugly would be to do him a kindness. All you need to know for now is that he was given the name "Slobber". And Slobber, even when it comes from the mouth of the most beautiful of women, is hardly very attractive, now is it? Allow me to tell you the cruel tale of the fool who, halfwit that he was, fell in love with a princess as pretty as he was repulsive. Allow me to tell you the tale of a kiss. The purest, most beautiful, most moving kiss ever known.

Trier par : Ancien

T1 Bouffon


Après Les Folies Bergère, Zidrou et Porcel explorent le Moyen-Âge dans le conte Bouffon ! Un garçon, si laid qu'il est appelé « Glaviot », grandit heureux dans les geôles d'un château, sous la protection du tortionnaire des lieux. Que pourrait-il espérer de plus qu'être le bouffon éperdument amoureux de la belle Livia, la fille du Comte ? Par un miracle tout ironique dont Zidrou a le secret, cet être difforme se révèle capable de ressusciter les femmes par ses baisers... Mais qui acceptera de les lui rendre ?

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