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Dieter is dead Sa note

Dieter is dead

‘‘"Track them down and kill them, damn it. It is simply baffling there isn't a test to spot them and tell them apart from normal people," shouts Niklas' father to the screen in a brain-washed anger. "Them" are the TIMEDs, these ordinary people who one day, the same day, were given...‘‘ Lire la suite


‘‘De prime abord, le titre et la couverture attirent l’attention même des néophytes du genre. Cela dit, entre road movie à la Hells Angels et guerre de cartels minables, si les références à Scarface ou Tyrion Lannister sont les bienvenues, elles ne suffisent pas à relever un ensemble qui...‘‘ Lire la suite
The Transporter - Volume 2 - City of a Thousand Spires

T 2 The Transporter

‘‘When the virus turned iron into grubby dust, buildings collapsed, industries sagged, computers fell to pieces and tools went back to prehistoric designs. In short, civilisation as we know it went awry. A new bronze age has since come upon, mostly characterised by highwaymen, pillages and...‘‘ Lire la suite
Elle(s) 1. The New Girl Sa note

T 1 Elle(s)

‘‘Elle is the new girl at school and she is quickly adopted as the best chum and the coolest chick in town by Linotte, Farid, Otis and Maëlys. She seems however to be a very different person when stressful situations arise. She even displays several personalities, to a point where her...‘‘ Lire la suite
The Lost Ages 1. The Fort on the Moors Sa note

T 1 The Lost Ages

‘‘When humanity gets the chance to start afresh from hunter-gatherers to crop growers, in a punchy and action packed post-apocalyptic uchronia. On the 31st December 999, a monastic scribe finishes the last illumination touch on the Book of Revelation. The Cluny Abbey is a beacon of...‘‘ Lire la suite
Louisiana: The Color of Blood Book 2

T 2 Louisiana: The Color of Blood

‘‘“It's high time we owned up to our mistakes, if we're to keep from repeating them! Things haven't changed so much”, admits Louise Soral in 1961 to Hazel, her maid. Back in 1822, Laurette and her daughter Josephine were free to run the plantation as they chose, albeit under Antoine's - the...‘‘ Lire la suite
Louisiana: The Color of Blood Book 1

T 1 Louisiana: The Color of Blood

‘‘Louisiana : the color of blood starts with a reference to an extremely well-known classic, Gone with the wind, the 1936 historical romance novel by Margaret Mitchell about an enterprising daughter of a plantation owner in the Southern US. The 1939 eponymous film was dropped in 2020 from...‘‘ Lire la suite
Cuisine Chinoise: Five Tales of Food and Life Sa note

Cuisine Chinoise: Five Tales of Food and Life

‘‘Confucius was a foodie. What he would have made of “tales informed by the Chinese cultural traditions from which they spring” remains to be imagined. An ancient Cantonese saying supposedly goes, “Anything that walks, swims, crawls, or flies is edible”. What about insect spirits, lotus...‘‘ Lire la suite
Tales from behind the Window

Tales from behind the Window

‘‘In Turkey, men were the ones putting food on the table and looking after the families. Sons deciding over their mothers, brothers having the final word over their sisters’ futures. Women were raised to be good housewives. Süreyya was 22 and still single, until her brother promised her to...‘‘ Lire la suite
Assassin's Creed - Assassin's Creed: Conspiracies Sa note

T 1 Assassin's Creed

‘‘WWII is the new scene for the Brotherhood of Assassins in their ever-lasting war against the Templars, the organisation behind all the major conflicts in history preaching enlightened despotism to advance humanity. In November 1943, Eddie Gorm is on a mission to blow up a hydroelectric...‘‘ Lire la suite
We Served The People Sa note

We Served The People

‘‘“The Cultural Revolution took place in China between 1966 and 1976. The objective was to purge remnants of capitalist ideology and traditional elements from Chinese culture. Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution led to millions of deaths. For many young students, it...‘‘ Lire la suite
Shelley 1. Percy Shelley Sa note

T 1 Shelley

‘‘Ah! Percy Bysshe Shelley. One of the major Romantic English poets of the early 19th century. A very unusual character, impetuous and novelistic in his private life, “radical in poetry as well as his political and social views” (says our friend Wikipedia). “His life outside social...‘‘ Lire la suite