Motorossa - Motorossa Motorossa icon-player

Motorossa - Motorossa Motorossa icon-player

T0 Motorossa

Albrespy Adèle & Aubertin Jean 160 pages
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Tome Motorossa Motorossa icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 1 tome $11.99
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Eighteen-year-old Franca has left Rome after her mother's death to live with her aunt and uncle in Carbonia, on the island of Sardinia. Thanks to a local boy named Silvio, she discovers the world of... En lire plus


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  • 27/09/2023



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Sa note:
In Carbonia, everybody loves motorcycles. There’s a famous amateur circuit, an annual cup that fills the village to the brim with tourists. And there’s the blue sea and the lazy beach. And… that’s pretty much it. / “When you come from Carbonia, you stay. We’re rooted to the spot. Like ancient ruins.” says Silvio, before taking Franca to a spin on his motorbike, hoping to scare her and maybe make her fall in love. And fall in love she did - with the speed, and the motorcycle :) / The colorful... En lire plus

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