The Eagles of Rome - The Eagles of Rome The Eagles of Rome V6 icon-player

The Eagles of Rome - The Eagles of Rome The Eagles of Rome V6 icon-player

T6 The Eagles of Rome

Marini Enrico 87 pages
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Tome The Eagles of Rome The Eagles of Rome V6 icon-link-to-serie Voir toute la série
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Toute la série - 6 tomes $53.94
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

Five years after Arminius united the tribes of Germania to push back the invader by destroying three Roman legions and delivering to the Empire one of the greatest and most humiliating defeats in its... En lire plus


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  • 29/11/2023



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Sa note:
Arminius wins, Varus loses, and Augustus, scared, asks Tiberius to reorganize the armies and protect Rome. Five years later, Augustus dies, and his successors start dying as well. Livia is involved, of course, trying to help her son, Lucius, get on the throne in the long run that she wants as short as possible :) As for Marcus and Arminius, they’re busy - Marcus tries to get over Priscilla by going gladiator for a while (nothing like swimming in blood and testosterone to forget the love of... En lire plus

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