The Whale Library - The Whale Library icon-player

The Whale Library - The Whale Library icon-player

T0 The Whale Library

VANISTENDAEL Judith & Zidrou 82 pages
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Toute la série - 1 tome $8.99
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Résumé de l'éditeur Europe Comics

A poetic fable for grown-ups full of wisdom and beauty, by two Belgian masters of graphic storytelling.Out on the high seas lives a whale unlike any other, who spends her days reading stories to all... En lire plus


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  • 20/10/2021



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Sa note:
"The sea, like man's heart, is full of secrets. But when our human heart overflows, we can take up a pen and let wash onto the shore of a page those words which weigh too heavily on us. The sea never learned to write. And so, the sea drowns". The whale library is a truly extraordinary whale which hides the world's largest undersea book collection. When asked nicely, the gigantic whale would put on her glasses and read fishes a story. She involuntarily capsizes the maritime postman's boat on a... En lire plus

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