Les chroniques de Sorcered

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Incredible! Sa note


‘‘It’s 1983. Jean-Loup is 11 years old and tries to make sense of the world by making little cards on any subject that tickles his fancy - from how many liters of blood flow through your veins in an year, to the funeral habits of Nepalese monks. His father is always absent, his uncle is...‘‘ Lire la suite
L'Accident de chasse - Fauve d'or 2021 Sa note

L'Accident de chasse - Fauve d'or 2021

‘‘Le gagnant du Fauve D’Or - Prix du meilleur album, Angoulême 2021 est encore plus costaud (464 pages) que le gagnant de 2020 (Révolution, tome 1 - Liberté) ou le gagnant de 2019 (My Favorite Thing Is Monsters), mais c’est pas la quantité qui compte, c’est l’histoire contée et la façon de...‘‘ Lire la suite
Rent-A-Girlfriend 4 Sa note

T 4 Rent-A-Girlfriend

‘‘This volume dispenses with ecchi almost completely, and yet puts Kazuya in even more embarrassing situations than before. Ruka, the highly energetic girl from the previous volume that revealed she’s a rental girlfriend too, is now hunting Kazuya. What for? And why did she burst in tears...‘‘ Lire la suite
Rent-A-Girlfriend 3 Sa note

T 3 Rent-A-Girlfriend

‘‘So - let’s say you are on a boat, and you see a girl falling overboard, and you jump headfirst in the waves and save her life. Is that love? Or duty? That’s just one of Kazuya’s dilemmas during this volume. But he’s not the only one doubting - Chizuru, the rental girlfriend, seems to be...‘‘ Lire la suite
Rent-A-Girlfriend 2 Sa note

T 2 Rent-A-Girlfriend

‘‘Well, well, looks like there's a real man underneath that "lame undecided Kazuya'' mask. This volume starts with a character-defining clash between Kazuya and his ex-girlfriend - and moves on at a blistering pace on a rollercoaster of emotions. It's a Mami (ex-girlfriend) vs Chizuru...‘‘ Lire la suite
Rent-A-Girlfriend 1 Sa note

T 1 Rent-A-Girlfriend

‘‘Kazuya is a 20 years old slacker, err, college student that just got dumped by his girlfriend Mami after a single month of dating (for embarrassing reasons you’ll learn about at the end of this volume). Technically still a virgin, his loneliness pushes him to rent a girlfriend - meeting...‘‘ Lire la suite
Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Library Edition: Series I & II Collection Sa note

Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Library Edition: Series I & II Collection

‘‘320 pages of a Dungeons & Dragons stand-up comedy, drawn in a clear, almost-manga style by Olivia Samson and written by Matthew Colville (game designer, tabletop and roleplaying nerd) and Jody Houser (who wrote for Amazing Spider-Man, Star Wars and more), It's just as simple as that....‘‘ Lire la suite
Le baron perché Sa note

Le baron perché

‘‘Un garçon est forcé de manger des escargots qu’il trouve répugnants et, rebelle, décide de se jeter par la fenêtre… dans l’arbre juste à côté. Il ne mettra plus jamais les pieds sur la terre, vivant dans les arbres. Oui, c’est le roman classique de Italo Calvino mis en BD par Claire...‘‘ Lire la suite
Sur un air de Fado Sa note

Sur un air de Fado

‘‘Avant de lire “Sur un air de Fado” je ne savais rien d’autre sur Salazar qu’il était l'équivalent portugais de Franco - un dictateur à main de fer, tenant son pays loin de la guerre mais impitoyable envers ses adversaires politiques. Maintenant, je sais un peu plus - notamment, qu’il est...‘‘ Lire la suite
Flower of a new World Sa note

Flower of a new World

‘‘A rare story where the indigenous tribe wins against the conquistadors - but do they, really? It starts with a paradisiac vista - pristine water, majestic forest, beautiful flowers - but the heaven turns to hell in an instant as the Mapuche tribe attacks, killing the travelling Spaniards...‘‘ Lire la suite
The Quest for the Time Bird - The Complete Collection (4 Volumes) Sa note

The Quest for the Time Bird - The Complete Collection (4 Volumes)

‘‘This is unanimously considered a reference work in heroic fantasy comics - French comics, that is. And I have to concede that for 1983, when the first tome was published, this must've been quite a shock. But reading this for the first time in 2021 was a difficult experience. Régis Loisel...‘‘ Lire la suite
The Spire Sa note

T 1 The Spire

‘‘A fantasy / sci-fi / post-apocalyptic whodunit set up in a weird (and sometimes wonderful) world filled to the brim with alien races. I almost didn't finish this because Spurrier (X-Force, Star Wars, Six-Star Gorilla) has the annoying tendency to start a journey, abandon it, start another...‘‘ Lire la suite